Milk production is on the rising trend because of the rise in productivity and increased number of milch animals in India. However, this increase is not enough to cater to the rising demand for milk and milk products in the future. There is a large gap between the demand and supply of milk and this gap can only be reduced by further increasing productivity as well as managing the current milk supply in a systematic and organized approach.
KMC Business Model, because of its strategic natural environment and large population, has an edge over the Banas Model. The only requirement is to execute the model in a methodical and coordinated manner to ensure a continuous supply of raw material and an exponential increase in productivity. The model is precisely based on the co-operative principle in which the dairy farmers are the actual owners of the factory and the profit is shared between them after calculating for operational costs and future expansion plans.
Following are some of the factors that provide an edge to the KMC model as compared to Banas model:
Increasing productivity
The productivity of animals in Konkan can be increased by providing the animals with enough grazing and vitamin and mineral naturally. Banaskantha, where the Banas model has been executed, is hot and sufficient natural vegetation is not available. Konkan region, on the other hand, has ample rainfall which results in sufficient natural vegetation for grazing.
Organized sector
Unified efforts provide considerable success. Today, dairy farming in India is largely an unorganized profession. The dairy farmers are working hard to get a suitable price for their milk. Further, they have to go a long distance for selling their milk which sometimes results in spilling and spoiling. KMC model, at least in the Konkan region, endeavors to make this an organized sector.
Efficient Transport
The dairy farmers have to sell their milk to the nearby market. These markets may be at a feasible distance (<100 KM) from their farms. They incur a transport cost which reduces the overall earning. Further, the roads are not efficient enough in the villages adding more woes to farmers. KMC model will set up collection centers and collect the milk from dairy farmers.
Education and training
High literacy rate of Konkan region is an advantage for KMC model. However, KMC model also plans to infuse the knowledge of advanced techniques for increasing milk productivity and improving the overall health of milch animals. These techniques may be related to diet and artificial insemination. Artificial insemination is one of the best methods for evolving a healthy and productive progeny.
Systematic economic upliftment
Dairy farmers and their animals are the strongest pillars of the KMC model. Everything that would be decided during the implementation process should be directed towards the economic and social upliftment of its partners i.e. dairy farmers. KMC model ensures the best price for their milk without traveling a lot for selling.
Rapid processing with quality
KMC model plans to use almost all the milk produced daily in the Konkan region. This will help in increasing the profit and reducing the overall operational cost. Ultra-modern and highly advanced plants would be constructed for rapid processing. A process protocol would be in place to avoid the variation in the quality of the products.